5 Best Softwares for Electronics Students

Hi folks, today I am going to tell you about some trending and the most useful softwares for every electronics engineering student.
Theoratical knowledge strengthens the fundamental concepts but practical knowledge helps us to practically employ the concepts and see the corresponding results. To pratically employ concepts, sometimes we lack in equipments, set ups, etc.

Such barriers can be overcome by softwares which enable us to simulate certain behavior of components like diode, transistor, etc in case of electronics engineering . We get to know mathematical aspects by softwares. So, we should always have knowledge about these softwares.
Here is the list of Best softwares for every elctronics engineering student. I have used these softwares at some point in my engineering life during internships, practicals, etc. I find them very easy to understand, easily accessible and easily downloadable.

Let us start with the list!

1. NI Multisim

NI Multisim is a software for simulation of different circuits like filters, amplifiers, power amplifiers, choppers, etc. We can see behavior or characteristics of diode, transistors, SCRs on virtual DSOs, CROs which are there in Multisim. It includes Simulation of microcontrollers, timer ICs, reulator ICs, etc. 
We can perform experiments of power electronics in this software as it is sometimes difficult to get high voltage, high current and high power in laboratories.
It's a drag and drop UI. We have to connect all the components together to form a circuit and see analysis. It's easy to use & we get accurate results. 
Unfortunately, it works on only Windows OS. But Linux and Mac users can install virtual machine software such as VMware and then install Multisim and use it.

2. Arduino IDE

This is the software which is used to program popular Arduino microcontroller board. This provides efficient Integrated Development Environment for programming arduino. 
A program can be written in this software and then we can upload it to arduino board by means of cable. 
It is written in java. The programming language used in arduino is based on C and C++.
We can interface many sensors and modules with Arduino and Arduino IDE helps us in interfacing.
It can be installed on OS such as Windows, Mac, Linux.


MATLAB is nothing but the Matrix Laboratory. Here, we have to write code using syntax which is provided in the software itself and then we can analyze results. We can use MATLAB in variety of subjects like Image processing, Digital Signal Processing, Control System, Radio Frequency and antenna modelling, Data compression and encyption, etc.
The coding is simple. Downloading MATLAB is quite difficult as it is a licensced software. It can be installed on windows, Mac or Linux.

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4. STM32CubeMX

This software is used for configuration of STM32 ARM (Advanced Risk Machine) Cortex-M Microcontrollers. It is basically used in conjuction with Keil uVision. 
When we have to do projects with STM32 ARM series microcontrollers, we can configure various parameters of ARM such as what are the input and output ports, clock frequency, interrupts, memory, etc. using this software and then we can program ARM as we want in Keil uVision. 
This is very much useful in indusries. I used this software in one of my internships.

5. Keil uVision

Keil is a famous software which can be used for programming various microcontrollers such as 8051. The Keil MDK is another software for wide range of ARM microcontrollers. Its user interface is human friendly. Also, it provides debugger in which you can test, verify and optimize your code.
The programming language used here is C/C++.
When we start new project in Keil, we just have to select the microcontroller which we are using and then software itself configures all compiler, assembler, linker and memory parameters, etc. for us.
It only supports Windows environment. However, Mac users can install windows on virtual machine and use Keil uVision.

Download here: https://www.keil.com/download/


Rajendra Singh said…

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